Earth & Dance Singers

Earth Dance Singers

Teyukhilihwakhwá·seh̲e̲ɂ̲ Singers
(They're singing for us)

Teyukhilihwakhwá·seh̲e̲ɂ̲ Singers (they're singing for us), are a relatively new group of ICS students who are learning the basics of the original music of the Hotinoshoni, People of the Longhouse.

Students who participate are expected to show respect for one another, create a comfortable singing and dancing environment, and show gratitude for all of creation. In addition, students learn different earth dances, basic dance steps, the art of listening, and other teachings. Our singers practice how to lead, sing, dance, speak before a crowd, and how to run a social dance. 

Teyukhilihwakhwá·seh̲e̲ɂ̲ Singers are beautiful gifts the Creator gave the Hotinoshoni as a way to express gratitude. These dances have existed since time immemorial and have been passed down through oral tradition.

There are an assortment of traditional instruments used, such as the water drum and wooden drum stick, more contemporary cow horn rattles, gourd rattles, and the original bark rattles. Most of the instruments used are made directly from Mother Earth.

Dancers move in a counter-clockwise direction. This teaching comes from the Hotinoshoni Creation Story, when Skywoman first walked upon the sea turtle's back. Every dance has a specific position, whether it’s single file, couples, or groups of four. There are fast-paced and slow-paced dances and everyone is encouraged to dance to the best of their ability.  When we participate at social dances, we are expressing happiness, thankfulness and good health.

All ICS students, male and female, are encouraged to join. The only requirement is a willingness to try, and an effort toward practicing the Seven Sacred Gifts.       

For more information, please contact Our Ways at (414) 525-6100.