
The Makerspace at ICS is a place where students explore their own interests, utilize a variety of tools and materials, and develop authentic projects.  Learning in the Makerspace offers students an opportunity to collaborate, communicate, think critically, and express themselves in a creative way.  A Makerspace is about turning knowledge and skills into action!

Our Makerspace encourages a growth mindset, continuous learning, and independent thinking.  It is about teaching and learning that is focused on student-centered inquiry.  This is not the project done at the end of a unit of learning, but the actual process and purpose of the learning.  At ICS, our Makerspace provides an authentic connection between grade-level content, the Our Ways Teaching and Learning Framework™, library/media, inquiry-based learning and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math).    

Makerspace Resources

Click here for the "Makerspace for Education" Website link

Click here for the "What is Makerspace? " video.

If you have questions about Makerspace, please contact our Library Media Specialist, Amy Zembroski, at 414-525-6100.

A young boy is holding his handmade robot that he made in Makerspace. He is smiling, wearing a black and white plaid shirt with a grey t-shirt , blue jeans and black sneakers. Behind him on the floor are other students' handmade robots.

Young student wearing a white t-shirt, and matching green and white sweatbands on his head and writsts, is making something with a cardboard egg carton, blue yarn, and scissors. A second student is in the background working with black and yellow sytrofoam pices. A teacher's hands and pink top is also in the background.

Four students are holding up their fuzzy monster creatures they made in Makerspace. They have their laptops opened up in front of them; they are seated at a wooden table.