Purpose of the ICS Eagle Singers
To strengthen & honor our spiritual, moral, emotional, social, artistic and cultural values by celebrating our Native identity with drumming and singing our traditional songs.
Loyalty and commitment to attend practices. Those who don’t attend practice won’t be attending outside events.
Respectful mind and heart around the drum as well for teachers and peers.
Commitment to drum/sing for occasional weekend events.
Students will bring healthy positive energy to drum. Teachers will notify culture staff if student has demonstrated negative behavior and additional teachings will be addressed with student. Only students who have had positive behavior will be able to attend events outside of school. All rules apply to Backup/Canary singers as well.
Backup/Canary singers will receive teachings that apply to female singers.
Please know that our Seven Sacred Gifts along with the “Four Moral Imperatives” will be used as our guideposts for encouraging positive energy: Do not lie, Do not steal, Do not cheat, and Do not attempt to deceive.
Boys in grades 4th through 8th are welcome to join the ICS Eagle Singers. Girls in grades 4th through 8th are welcome to become Backup/Canary singers.
Please contact Our Ways at atwothunders@ics-edu.org or call the school at (414) 525-6100.