
Jason P. Dropik / Babaamii-Bines
School Administrator

Boozhoo, Babaamii-Bines indizhinikaaz, my name is Babaamii-Bines or Jason P. Dropik.

I am thankful for the opportunity to serve as the School Administrator at the Indian Community School (ICS). ICS was responsible for helping me find my love for education when I first became a teaching assistant in 1999. I returned to ICS in 2012 and continue to be thankful for the opportunity to support this amazing community. I appreciate all of the staff, students, and families and the community that those fearless warriors that came before have created here at ICS.

I am always willing to listen, support and assist in any way I can so please do not hesitate to reach out.

I have a wonderful family with my wife Jamie and three great kids, Caden, Brennan, and Rilynn. When not working or serving Native communities, I enjoy being outside, playing sports, spending time with family, and reading.