Our Ways
Because language and culture revitalization are the heart of our school, Indian Community School has a dedicated Our Ways room and staff who ensure that Native languages and cultures are a part of everything we do. Our Ways staff assist in the integration of culture and academics; they coordinate cultural events and programming, and they serve as cultural resources for students, staff and the community.
For more information, please email mpowless@ics-edu.org or atwothunders@ics-edu.org, or call the school at 414-525-6100.
Our Ways Team:
Mark Powless, PhD / Tehalihwaɂkháhsyus
Our Ways Director
Audra Two Thunders / Bimosay-aanakwad
Our Ways Coordinator
Alanna Doxtator
Our Ways Assistant
Niko Lee Daniels / Kal^nakehtskwas
Cultural Support Specialist
Shena Munden / Šųųkjąksgąį
Ho-Chunk Language and Culture Teacher
Curtis Prescott / Wacožumąnį
Ho-Chunk Language and Culture Teacher
Rebecca Basina
Menominee Language and Culture Teacher
Shane Waubanascum
Menominee Language and Culture Teacher
Valerie Clark / Miskwaadisikwe
Ojibwe Language and Culture Teacher
Desiree Henry / Anishinaabekwe
Ojibwe Language and Culture Apprentice
Sofia Danforth
Oneida Language and Culture Teacher
Isiah Nahwahquaw
Youth Drum and Culture Instructor