Indian Community School weaves indigenous teachings with a distinguished learning environment. The Course Overviews are documents for each course at every grade level that provide clear, measurable learning outcomes based on Board-approved standards. The ICS Course Overviews contain learning outcomes for the specific knowledge, skills, and learning expectations necessary for student success at every grade level. Each Course Overview provides a course description, Enduring Understandings, and Learning Targets based on standards for every grade level subject. The Course Description offers a general overview of the content and links to the standards for the course. The Enduring Understandings summarize important ideas, processes, connections, and the purpose of learning in each content area. The Learning Targets provide clear, measurable learning objects from the student’s point of view that frame the purpose of a lesson, unit, or assessment.

If you have questions about this information, please contact the Director of Instruction, Dr. Melissa Deutsch, at (414) 525-6195 or by email at mdeutsch@ics-edu.org.